Monday, August 27, 2007


En route vers le Texas, dans un pet-friendly hotel... that means we can jump on the bed with dogs

Finally in Texas! The lone star state

Bull Creek, right behind our place (a 2-min walk)

Oli, just washed his sandals in the creek

Notre salle de bain

The hallway to our room, with the "wooded" balcony on the left

Our 3-in-1 room: dining room, office and living room!

The kitchen: a little smaller than in Ste-Annes! But who knew we would have a dishwasher AND a garburator!

Bathroom and walk in closet (with light Liz!)

Pleins de boƮtes dans notre apart!

This is a picture of me bouldering in Belton, TX which is 1 hour from our place. Among other things, we saw remains of a dead dog (not sure what it was), an infestation of red ants on Oli's feet and peaceful nature in 38c weather today. Climbing was great, right beside a lake with no one around. Btw, we saw the Shawshank Redemption last night, really good movie.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Aug 26

Went for a great run today with Oli and Taxco. Ran along Bull Creek, which is a 1 1/2 min run from our door. We let Taxco loose, there are SO MANY dogs here. The creek is really long and there are swimming holes along the way, with falls here and there. We're in the Greenbelt of Austin! We found a really nice hilly trail that is about an hour long loop. That'll be good for the Toad training (25k cross crounchtry race end of Sept), doing it a few times in a row. Gotta be careful because of the heat though! It's 40C in the middle of the day. As long as we bring H20 it's ok. Taxco's loving it.

Got news from home that Caro (Oli's cousin) is pregnant with her 2nd child! Huge news! Congrats!

I have another week here, enjoying a great vacation with Oli. I gotta go now and lie by the pool, sorry ;)

Aug 21

We're moved in!! It was weird because we woke up in Waco, went for a run (really sketchy run btw... dogs barking, weird smells... turned back), and called the complex to get an update. They told us that the moving truck had been waiting for an hour!! So we drove to Austin and signed the papers... moved in our boxes, etc. It's SO COOL! The place is AWESOME!! We've been unpacking the boxes, it's so much fun it seems like we're on a vacation with our stuff, it's 31 and Oli is sitting beside me and sweating bullets (it's 9:30pm). :) Taxco was sick today on the balcony, probably because she stayed there too long, it was hot while we were moving the boxes... anyway at least it's not on the CARPET!! LOL. We went to Bull Creek twice today with Taxco it's so hot she jumped in right away! We're probably going to continue unpacking tonight, it's fun to decide where to place everything. OH YEAH! I forgot to tell you that I went to a fricken nice grocery store called Whole Foods!! It's SO NICE. Ok, that's it. Probably going to go for a swim first the pool is right here. See ya!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 20

We're in Waco, Texas, which is about 60 miles from Austin. It was pouring rain when we got up so we decided to drive instead of climb. We had a crazy running adventure this morning. It was really pouring rain, but we decided that we needed to move because we spend so much time in the car. We were SOAKING WET and we let Taxco loose and she was SO wet. We jumped in puddles in the parking lots and walked by the hotel's pool outside. Out of NOWHERE, Taxco jumped in the pool! Oli went to get her, it was hilarious.

We'll see if we can go into our apartment tomorrow...

Aug 19

We're in Springfield, Missouri now at a really nice (and cheap) Days Inn. We only drove about 6 hours today and plan to go climbing tomorrow in Jasper, Arkansas which is about 2 hours away. Taxco's doing great, she loves the attention she gets everywhere she goes... anytime we stop, we bring her out for a walk or run. She eats when we get back at night because we don't want her to puke. It's hilarious to see her at the hotel, in the elevators, lobby, bed... they say they are pet-friendly!!

We just finished eating take-out in our hotel room, I went to Quizno's Sub and Oli had lasagna from Pasta Express. Quite funny because we were eating at a small table in the room in front of a miror. It's been really hot today... the car registered 36 degrees but good thing we have the AC! It's cool to check the temp as we go more and more south...

Aug 18

After 12 and a half hours on the road, we got to Urbana (Illinois) tonight. We stopped by a frat party that Seb (Oli's friend from school) invited us to. We had a harder time finding a hotel tonight beause school starts on Wed and students from U of I are staying/partying in town. We're staying at an Econo Lodge and going for breakfast with Seb tomorrow. We should have a shorter day tomorrow... aiming to stay around Memphis for the night. The apartment won't be ready until Wed morning and the movers aren't arriving until Wed so we might stay in Dallas on Mon night and Austin on Tuesday... (Meg, can you ask Nicole if there is something cool to do in Dallas?) We'll see... It's so weird we can communicate with anyone throughout our trip across the states.

Aug 17

So we waited at the border for an hour, then had to go in to get Oli's visa. Then, it was about another hour. Not too bad, I stayed outside with Taxco and we went running around the parking lot. They didn't ask ANY questions about me, Taxco or the car (didn't have to show any papers). We found a pet-friendly hotel and got into this cat-piss-smelling room with a leek in the ceiling (they gave us a rebate for that). It's really not bad, but today we're going to find a hotel earlier... last night, we didn't have much of a choice at 12:30. So we're going to go and check out if we can run somewhere around here before we get going... we are really close to the I-90 so we might end up running in the parking lot :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Austin, Texas

So we're moving to Austin, Texas. I'll try and post some info to keep you guys updated on what's up in the south.